13 Signs: Super Full Moon in Taurus. . . . The Goddess of Love

Happy Super Full Moon!

A full moon occurs when the Sun and Moon are aligned in opposition to each other. Supermoons are new and full moon alignments that happen extremely close to the Earth. Because of this, their energetic effects will be felt the strongest for the year! Check a Sky Map App, right now the Sun is moving thru Ophiuchus Serpentarius, the 13th Sign while our beloved Moon is in Taurus. I wanna thank all my friends and followers who wished me a Happy Birthday! I was born on the first day of Ophiuchus, Nov 30th! Just 3 days later, and this is the only SuperMoon of 2017 so it is very special! This is a powerful Full Moon of Magical Manifesting! Full Moons are a time of deep revelations and heightened creative energy! Het Heru aka Hathor is the Goddess of Love and therefore creative manifestation. She teaches us to enjoy life and actualize our dreams. What we see in our minds is what we feel in our hearts and this super full moon is all about it! She is The Law of Attraction, before anything can manifest, it has to exist in our spirit first! We create our life with our imagination. Het Heru reminds us to channel our sexual energy into higher spiritual realms. She is THE sky Goddess giving birth to our reality here on Earth. The sacred cow. We create what we desire and focus on with a passion. Anything goes, so focus wisely.

Het heru Gold
This is a very sensual Supermoon highlighting art, music, dance and fertility. Het Heru also is represented as Oshun, Aphrodite, Venus and Ishtar. Her worship is very old and even predates the official dynasties of ancient Egypt. She is everything that is true and good. The mother of light in the sky. Manifestation.
To maximize the potential in this super full moon, beautify yourself and All around you. Work with The Power of Intention. The Power of Creation. If you’ve been looking for a creative breakthrough, now is this time! Activate the kundalini (sexual) energy.  Work with the subconscious mind to visualize the life you want. This is how life is created. Channel your imagination to inspire something beautiful with Love and Art. Make a new vision board. Focus only on what you want to happen in your Life. Het Heru is the mother of every God and every Goddess. So you have to go through her to manifest anything here on earth, with love and creativity, of course. Get ready for a Mercury Retrograde filled Holiday Season! It is sure to be nostalgic. Mercury Retrogrades are great for working out Past Life Karma and clearing away old bad habits for the New Year! *Happy Super Full Moon!*)

*Join my Raw Goddess 13 Signs Astrology Group on Facebook for more Astronomical Updates-> 13 Signs Astrology Group on Facebook

*Book a 13 Sign Reading Order Here-> 13 Sign Astrology Reading

Twitter Raw Goddess Jewelz

Instagram Raw.Vegan.Goddess

Thanks for Reading & Sharing!

*13 Sign Astrology is the Real language of the Heavens*


13 Signs: Super New Moon in Taurus, the Goddess of Love

Happy Super New Moon!

A new moon occurs when the Sun and the Moon are conjunct or aligned in the same zodiac sign. In real 13 sign astrology that means it’s happening in the constellation of Taurus, the cow horn priestess, Het Heru. The Sun will actually stay in Taurus until June 19th! New Moons are a time of deep introspection and setting intentions for the month’s new beginnings. Het Heru is the Goddess of love and she therefore represents creative manifestation. She teaches us to enjoy life and actualize our dreams. What we see in our mind is what we feel in our hearts and this new moon is all about it! She is The Law of Attraction. Before anything can manifest, it has to exist in our spirit first! We create our life with our imagination. Het Heru reminds us to channel our sexual energy into higher spiritual realms. She is THE sky Goddess giving birth to our reality here on Earth. The sacred cow. We create what we desire and focus on with a passion! Anything goes, so focus wisely.

Het heru Gold
This is a very sensual new moon highlighting art, music, dance and fertility. Het Heru is also represented as Oshun, Aphrodite, Venus and Hathor. Her worship is very old and even predates the official dynasties of ancient Egypt. She is everything that is true and good. The mother of light in the sky. Manifestation.
To maximize the potential in this new moon, beautify yourself and All around you. Work with The Power of Intention. The Power of Creation. If you’ve been looking for a creative breakthrough, now is this time! Activate the kundalini (sexual) energy.  Work with the subconscious mind to visualize the life you want. This is how life is created. Channel your imagination to inspire something beautiful with love and art. Make a new vision board. Focus only on what you want to happen in your Life. Het Heru is the mother of every God and every Goddess. So you have to go through her to manifest anything here on Earth, with love and creativity, of course.

*Join my Raw Goddess 13 Signs Astrology Group on Facebook for more Astronomical Updates & a chance to win a FREE Reading!  https://www.facebook.com/groups/rawgoddess13signs/

&Readings & Classes Order Here-> 13 Sign Astrology Session- $25 Special!

@Goddess_Jewelz on Twitter

@RawGoddessInc on Instagram

*New moon energy lasts for 2 weeks! If you would like to learn more about this alignment in your 13 Sign Birth Chart and take a 13 Sign Astrology Class with me, fill out the contact form below.

Thanks for Reading & Sharing! 🙂

*13 Sign Astrology is the Real language of the Heavens*

13 Signs Super Moon in Taurus. . . . The Goddess of Love

Happy Super Full Moon!

A full moon occurs when the Sun and Moon are aligned in opposition to each other. Supermoons are new and full moon alignments that happen extremely close to the Earth. Because of this, their energetic effects will be felt the strongest for the year! Right now, the Sun is moving thru Ophiuchus Sepentarius, the 13th Sign and our beloved Moon is at the end of Taurus. This is the 2nd Super Full Moon of Taurus and the last SuperMoon of 2016! This is a powerful Moon of Manifesting! Full Moons are a time of deep revelations and heightened creative energy! Het Heru aka Hathor is the Goddess of Love and therefore creative manifestation. She teaches us to enjoy life and actualize our dreams. What we see in our minds is what we feel in our hearts and this super full moon is all about it! She is The Law of Attraction, before anything can manifest, it has to exist in our spirit first! We create our life with our imagination. Het Heru reminds us to channel our sexual energy into higher spiritual realms. She is THE sky Goddess giving birth to our reality here on Earth. The sacred cow. We create what we desire and focus on with a passion. Anything goes, so focus wisely.

Het heru Gold
This is a very sensual Supermoon highlighting art, music, dance and fertility. Het Heru also is represented as Oshun, Aphrodite, Venus and Ishtar. Her worship is very old and even predates the official dynasties of ancient Egypt. She is everything that is true and good. The mother of light in the sky. Manifestation.
To maximize the potential in this super full moon, beautify yourself and All around you. Work with The Power of Intention. The Power of Creation. If you’ve been looking for a creative breakthrough, now is this time! Activate the kundalini (sexual) energy.  Work with the subconscious mind to visualize the life you want. This is how life is created. Channel your imagination to inspire something beautiful with Love and Art. Make a new vision board. Focus only on what you want to happen in your Life. Het Heru is the mother of every God and every Goddess. So you have to go through her to manifest anything here on earth, with love and creativity, of course. Get ready for a Mercury Retrograde filled Holiday Season! It is sure to be nostalgic. Mercury Retrogrades are great for working out Past Life Karma and clearing away old bad habits for the New Year! *Happy Super Full Moon!*)

*Join my Raw Goddess 13 Signs Astrology Group on Facebook for more Astronomical Updates & a chance to win a FREE Reading!  https://www.facebook.com/groups/rawgoddess13signs/

Readings & Classes with me Order Here-> http://13sign.com/femi.html

@RawGoddessInc on Twitter & Instagram

*Full moon energy lasts for 2 weeks. If you would like to learn more about this alignment in your 13 Sign Birth Chart and take a 13 Sign Astrology Class with me, fill out the contact form below.

Thanks for Reading & Sharing! 🙂

*13 Sign Astrology is the Real language of the Heavens*


Super Moon in Taurus. . . . The Goddess of Love

Happy Super Full Moon!

A full moon occurs when the Sun and Moon are aligned in opposition to each other. Supermoons are new and full moon alignments that happen extremely close to the Earth. Because of this, their energetic effects will be felt the strongest for the year! Right now, the Sun is moving thru Libra’s part of Scorpio and our beloved Moon is just getting into the constellation of Taurus. Full Moons are a time of deep revelations and heightened creative energy! Het Heru aka Hathor is the Goddess of Love and therefore creative manifestation. She teaches us to enjoy life and actualize our dreams. What we see in our minds is what we feel in our hearts and this super full moon is all about it! She is The Law of Attraction, before anything can manifest, it has to exist in our spirit first! We create our life with our imagination. Het Heru reminds us to channel our sexual energy into higher spiritual realms. She is THE sky Goddess giving birth to our reality here on Earth. The sacred cow. We create what we desire and focus on with a passion. Anything goes, so focus wisely.

Moon Goddess Taurus

This is a very sensual supermoon highlighting art, music, dance and fertility. Het Heru also is represented as Oshun, Aphrodite, Venus and Ishtar. Her worship is very old and even predates the official dynasties of ancient Egypt. She is everything that is true and good. The mother of light in the sky. Manifestation.
To maximize the potential in this super full moon, beautify yourself and All around you. Work with The Power of Intention. The Power of Creation. If you’ve been looking for a creative breakthrough, now is this time! Activate the kundalini (sexual) energy.  Work with the subconscious mind to visualize the life you want. This is how life is created. Channel your imagination to inspire something beautiful with Love and Art. Make a new vision board. Focus only on what you want to happen in your Life. Het Heru is the mother of every God and every Goddess. So you have to go through her to manifest anything here on earth, with love and creativity, of course.
*Join my Raw Goddess 13 Signs Astrology Group on Facebook for more Astronomical Updates & a chance to win a FREE Reading!  https://www.facebook.com/groups/rawgoddess13signs/

Readings & Classes with me Order Here-> http://13sign.com/femi.html

@RawGoddessInc on Twitter & Instagram

*Full moon energy lasts for 2 weeks. If you would like to learn more about this alignment in your 13 Sign Birth Chart and take a 13 Sign Astrology Class with me, fill out the contact form below.

Thanks for Reading & Sharing! 🙂

*13 Sign Astrology is the Real language of the Heavens*

New Moon in Taurus. . . . . . The Goddess of Love

Happy New Moon!

A new moon occurs when the Sun and the Moon are conjunct or aligned in the same zodiac sign. In real 13 sign astrology that means it’s happening in the constellation of Taurus, the cow horn priestess, Het Heru. The Sun will actually stay in Taurus until June 19th! New Moon’s a time of deep introspection and setting intentions for the month’s new beginnings. Het Heru is the Goddess of love and she therefore represents creative manifestation. She teaches us to enjoy life and actualize our dreams. What we see in our mind is what we feel in our hearts and this new moon is all about it! She is The Law of Attraction. Before anything can manifest, it has to exist in our spirit first! We create our life with our imagination. Het Heru reminds us to channel our sexual energy into higher spiritual realms. She is THE sky Goddess giving birth to our reality here on earth. The sacred cow. We create what we desire and focus on with a passion. Anything goes, so focus wisely.

Het heru Gold
This is a very sensual new moon highlighting art, music, dance and fertility. Het Heru also is represented as Oshun, Aphrodite, Venus and Hathor. Her worship is very old and even predates the official dynasties of ancient Egypt. She is everything that is true and good. The mother of light in the sky. Manifestation.
To maximize the potential in this new moon, beautify yourself and All around you. Work with The Power of Intention. The Power of Creation. If you’ve been looking for a creative breakthrough, now is this time! Activate the kundalini (sexual) energy.  Work with the subconscious mind to visualize the life you want. This is how life is created. Channel your imagination to inspire something beautiful with love and art. Make a new vision board. Focus only on what you want to happen in your Life. Het Heru is the mother of every God and every Goddess. So you have to go through her to manifest anything here on Earth, with love and creativity, of course.

*Join my Raw Goddess 13 Signs Astrology Group on Facebook for more Astronomical Updates & a chance to win a FREE Reading!  https://www.facebook.com/groups/rawgoddess13signs/

&Readings & Classes with me Order Here-> http://13sign.com/femi.html

@RawGoddessInc on Twitter & Instagram

*New moon energy lasts for 2 weeks.If you would like to learn more about this alignment in your 13 Sign Birth Chart and take a 13 Sign Astrology Class with me, fill out the contact form below.

Thanks for Reading & Sharing! 🙂

*13 Sign Astrology is the Real language of the Heavens*

Happy New Moon in Love!





Second New Moon in Taurus….. Het Heru Returns

Happy New Moon!

A new moon occurs when the Sun and the Moon are conjunct or aligned in the same zodiac sign. In real 13 sign astrology that means this month it’s happening at the end of Taurus, the cow horn priestess Het Heru, on June 16th, 2015 at 10:05 AM EDT. The Sun will actually stay in Taurus until June 19th. This year we get two chances to focus on resetting our values and rebuilding our routines with money and possessions. This message is even more evident with a Mercury Retrograde in Taurus since the Goddess’s 1st new moon in May. The Sun actually spans Taurus for 38 days!! Use this new moon to gain clarity in your visions of the Future. The new moon is a time of deep introspection and setting intentions for new beginnings. Het Heru is the Goddess of Love and therefore creative manifestation. She teaches us to enjoy life and actualize our dreams. What we see in our minds eye is what we feel in our hearts and this new moon is all about it, again! She is The Law of Attraction and before anything can manifest, it has to exist in our spirit first! We create our life with our imagination. Het Heru reminds us to channel our sexual energy into higher spiritual realms. She is THE sky Goddess giving birth to our reality here on earth. The sacred cow. We create what we desire and focus on with a passion. Anything goes, so focus wisely.

het heru goddess with wings
This is a very sensual new moon highlighting art, music, dance and fertility. Het Heru is also represented as Oshun, Aphrodite, Venus and Hathor energetically. Her worship is very old and even predates the official dynasties of ancient Egypt. She is everything that is true and good.
The Mother of Light in the Sky. Manifestation.
To maximize the potential in this new moon, beautify yourself and All around you. We deserve to feel good in this Life! Work with The Power of Intention. The Power of Creation. If you’ve been looking for a creative breakthrough, now is the time! As Mercury Retrograde moves thru it’s shadow zone, prepare for major abundance to flow your way! Activate the kundalini (sexual) energy.  Work with the subconscious mind to visualize the life you want. This is how life is created. Channel your imagination to inspire something beautiful with love and art. Make a new vision board. Focus only on what you want to happen in your life. Het Heru is the mother of every God and every Goddess. So you have to go through her to manifest anything here on Earth, with love and creativity, of course.

*Mercury Retrograde’s shadow in Taurus will last til June 26th, making Het Heru’s lessons of love and abundance even stronger. To learn more about 13 Sign Astrology & Readings done by me, join my Raw Goddess 13 Signs Astrology Group on Facebook.  Send me a request to join in on our growing community.
Here-> https://www.facebook.com/groups/rawgoddess13signs/

If you would like to know more about this alignment and where it’s happening in your personal 13 sign birth chart fill out the contact form below. New moon energy lasts for 2 weeks. Lunar Taurus energy will be the theme until July 1st. Happy 2nd New Moon in Love! 


Mercury Retrograde in Taurus….. Returning to Love

Happy Mercury Retrograde Season!

It’s that time again and everybody’s talking about it! I have to admit its pretty cool seeing so many people aware of cosmic changes and events! Now let’s spread more knowledge about the 13th Sign and natural sidereal star based time as opposed to western. Speaking of opposition, the full moon happens when the Sun and Moon are 180 degrees apart. Oppositions create balance and are harmonious magical wands when we see both sides of the spectrum. This next full moon on June 2nd will be in Ophiuchus Serpentarius the 13th Sign! Get out you google sky map apps and check it out for yourself! I don’t just make this stuff up. I just happen to be born the 1st day of the 13th sign. November 30th. This mercury retrograde in Taurus will involve money. Taurus is one of the most fortunate signs and so this is a good time for wealth building! Do what inspires you and for the sake of humanity. You just may find hidden gold. This is a retrograde great for advancing artistic skills of all kinds. Take care of old bills and debts. Use art and color as a healing force.

“Make Love not War” The Goddess presiding over Taurus is Het Heru aka Hathor. Oshun is another great goddess to channel for this transit. Taurus is a sign that can be hard or soft and sweet. It’s the hard lessons that often soften us. Taurus brings this lesson. Working with the earth in your community garden is favorable for healing and building a strong foundation. You can’t eat money. But you can save and heal the world by coming together, keeping it a beautiful place. Love is the lesson AND the answer here on Earth. Focus on the love and you will be more than alright! All Mercury Retrogrades this year will be in EARTH Signs not Air like western tropical astrology says. Nope. These retrogrades are for building VALUES. They are helping us get a deeper sense of being here on Earth and our relation to it, as we shift to a greater Collective Consciousness. The Universe is perfect already. No need to move the constellations into seasonal astrology. I do sidereal astrology and I account for the mystical 13th sign, correcting all western inconsistencies. Trying to be in both paradigms will confuse anyone so I suggest switching to eastern ASAP. I’m starting up my private classes and would love to hear from all of my 13 sign supporters! I would also love to hear from people who are still holding onto western astrology and may need that little extra push I can provide. Taurus is the sign of perseverance. Manifest what you want! Taurus will bring it! We are no longer a slave race. Humans have the ability to be free but are still reliving lifetimes of captivity. The Earth is shaking that old world crap off and so are her children. Your own personal journey will be unique to you and is rapidly changing as you state your intent. Use one of the most powerful alignments of the year to shift your reality as you see fit. Good Luck Star Family!

*Make sure to join my Raw Goddess 13 Signs Astrology Group on Facebook and follow RawGoddessInc on Instagram and Twitter.

If you would like to learn more about this alignment in your 13 Sign Birth Chart or take a private 13 Sign Astrology Class fill out the contact form below.

New Moon in Taurus. . . .Het Heru, the Goddess of Love

Happy New Moon!

A new moon occurs when the Sun and the Moon are conjunct or aligned in the same zodiac sign. In real 13 sign astrology that means it’s happening at the beginning of Taurus, the cow horn priestess Het Heru, on May 17th, 2015 at 11:13PM EDT. The Sun will actually stay in Taurus until June 19th. The new moon is a time of deep introspection and setting intentions for new beginnings. Het Heru is the Goddess of love and therefore creative manifestation. She teaches us to enjoy life and actualize our dreams. What we see in our minds is what we feel in our hearts and this new moon is all about it! She is The Law of Attraction, before anything can manifest, it has to exist in our spirit first! We create our life with our imagination. Het Heru reminds us to channel our sexual energy into higher spiritual realms. She is THE sky Goddess giving birth to our reality here on earth. The sacred cow. We create what we desire and focus on with a passion. Anything goes, so focus wisely.

Het Heru Goddess LG
This is a very sensual new moon highlighting art, music, dance and fertility. Het Heru also is represented as Oshun, Aphrodite, Venus and Hathor. Her worship is very old and even predates the official dynasties of ancient Egypt. She is everything that is true and good. The mother of light in the sky. Manifestation.
To maximize the potential in this new moon, beautify yourself and All around you. Work with The Power of Intention. The Power of Creation. If you’ve been looking for a creative breakthrough, now is this time! Activate the kundalini (sexual) energy.  Work with the subconscious mind to visualize the life you want. This is how life is created. Channel your imagination to inspire something beautiful with love and art. Make a new vision board. Focus only on what you want to happen in your life. Het Heru is the mother of every God and every Goddess. So you have to go through her to manifest anything here on earth, with love and creativity, of course. *Tomorrow Mercury will retrograde in Taurus til June 11th making Het Heru’s lessons of love even stronger. I’ll be posting in my Raw Goddess 13 Signs Astrology Group on Facebook to help you get thru the retrograde. So feel free to send me a request to join in on our growing community.

If you would like to know more about this alignment and where it’s happening in your personal 13 sign birth chart fill out the contact form below. New moon energy lasts for 2 weeks. Taurus will be the theme until June 2nd. Happy New Moon in Love!