13 Signs: Full Moon in Virgo. . . Goddess Ma’at


*Happy Full Moon!

For the Virgo Full Moon, choose to be calm and productive. This is a time to thoroughly heal and reorganize ourselves. We are in the middle of a very important Mercury Retrograde right now! This Full Moon in Virgo will be perfect for cleaning up and clearing out our cosmic closets. It is best to keep order and balance of mind and spirit, to meet the necessary changes with grace and divine protection. In 13 sign astrology (astronomy), we know that Virgo is the longest constellation on the ecliptic! This detail oriented super intricate sign represents the digestive system and all its sensitivity. The colon is the longest part of the body and is a group of nerves with its own intelligence! Hence the phrase, Gut Feelings! Virgo is an earth sign. The mental earth sign. The purity of the Mind and all its intentions.
Pink Moon

Heaven and Earth are One. The virtue of the Goddess Ma’at and her principals. Ma’at is here to remind us of Universal Truth. Everything is connected and works together to create the whole. Ma’at is the Goddess of Universal Order and Virtue. Virgo is the sign of organization, purity and virtue. The earth is a living breathing organism and we are All part of it. Ma’at keeps everything moving, balanced in the sky and here on Earth. The equinox is the balance of seasons in relation to Heaven and Earth. Mind and Body.
It is important to remember your mind and body as One with the Earth. All things are connected and we are living this more and more each day! Ma’at is also known as the Double Winged Goddess. That which is within me and that which is around me. Ma’at is the union of opposites that create harmony. Laws of the Universe. Laws of Oneness. Ma’at is a Goddess, a concept, and a principle. The Double Winged Goddess of Right and Truth. This will be a powerful Full Moon cycle, especially during such a potent Mercury Retrograde! So give yourself ease, grace, patience and make sure to keep yourself healthy. Virgo represents the woman, the mind, and our Mother Earth. Where all things are connected. Now is the best time for a Spring Equinox detox!

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Instagram Raw.Vegan.Goddess

*13 Sign Astrology is the Real language of the Heavens*

*This Full Moon in Virgo Cycle will be in effect for 2 weeks. If you would like to learn more about this alignment in your 13 Sign Birth Chart and take a private 13 Sign Astrology Class with me, fill out the contact form below.

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13 Signs: New Moon in Pisces. . . . The Spiritual Abyss

Happy New Moon!

What an amazing time to be alive and witness some of our most profound transformations! I’m very excited to see more interest into 13 sign astrology! The solar and lunar energy we have today is Pisces! Pisces energy will have you crying for other people. As I have stated in my previous articles, we are in the middle of a great change. This is a massive overhaul that will become more intensified as we head deeper into the incoming Mercury Retrograde’s shadow this week! It’s time to merge all realities. Here on Earth there is a coming together of our spiritual essence that cannot be stopped. That is, within ourselves and also with each other. We are able to feel each other’s pain, joy, and everything in between. Focus on the Joy. We are all connected. The New Moon in Pisces today will signify a deeper spiritual integration in this global massive cleanup sweeping the Earth. More spiritual groups and movements are starting to emerge as we women are waking up to our true power! Pisces is a very feminine and healing sign. This is a great time to honor and give back to the women around you, especially if you are a woman. It will strengthen your own truth. In the past, civilizations couldn’t survive without the women all being on one accord with basic daily functioning, trade, and or business. I do believe we are at this point again. As we women make up our minds to organize, purify our tribes, and fully come together, the world is becoming a more balanced place. Pisces is the sign of spiritual unity so this totally includes men as well! The shift is happening on an emotionally quiet level first, which happens to be mainly women’s domain. The Cosmic Ocean. I’m hoping this powerful new moon will also signal more care and tending to our land and sacred bodies of water. But again this really starts from within. Fasting, doing water prayers, libations and yoga on the beach, will activate the necessary drastic internal shifts that have to happen right now. With Chiron on the Sun & Moon, a great deal of healing has been set in motion today. So get comfortable with everything changing rapidly and just know that it’s time for you to start the process of rebuilding and rearranging your dreams during this incoming retrograde. Find a way to create a new vision. For the next 2 weeks of the Pisces New Moon Cycle, work with your ancestors in libations. Talk to your relatives that are protecting you from the other side and ask them for guidance if you are not sure what to do about something. Anything. The Pisces moon cycle is also a great time to do a deep meditation and explore our different past lives. I do readings, consultations, and classes on Past Life Astrology emotional clearing! Feel free to join my Raw Goddess 13 signs Astrology group on Facebook. I post exclusive info about the secrets of Astrology which includes the Snake (Ophiuchus) and it’s Wisdom.

Goddess Water

Pisces is the spiritual abyss to the underworld. The primordial waters. The cycle of life, death, and rebirth continues for all beings and creatures of the universe. The Mother of all Mothers. The void. To access the powers of this New Moon and the next 2 weeks, you must have Faith. Things may be a lil chaotic. Pisces is a mutable water sign. The most changeable of all the signs. Pisces means two fish and two modes of movement. The Feet. One negative and one positive, creating the natural flow of life. Pisces people are extremely sensitive, so this is a time to stay extra aware using intuition. Deep Cleansing and purging are still the most active forces on the planet right now. And circumstances will continue to bring this lesson on home for us so don’t give up on the work that has to be done on your health. Know when it’s time to be alone and get some rest and rejuvenation during this incoming Mercury Retrograde season especially.

*Book a 13 Sign Reading Here!-> Readings & Classes with Femi

*Join the Group!
My 13 Sign Astrology Group on Facebook

Twitter Raw Goddess Jewelz

Instagram Raw.Vegan.Goddess

*13 Sign Astrology is the Real language of the Heavens*

*This New Moon in Pisces Cycle will be in effect for 2 weeks. If you would like to learn more about this alignment in your 13 Sign Birth Chart and take a private 13 Sign Astrology Class with me, fill out the contact form below.

Thanks for Reading & Sharing! 🙂


13 Signs: Full Moon in Leo . . . . the Fire Goddess Sekhmet

*Happy Full Moon!

The last full moon of the winter season! This Leo Full Moon burns bright encouraging us to push the limits and face our fears. There is alot of strength to gain for the next 2 weeks as we focus on healing the Heart Chakra. Leo Full Moon is a great time to exercise having faith and being creative! Pamper yourself. Be giving, loving, and inspired by all the beauty that surrounds you. Leo Full Moon will highlight fashion, art, and all forms of creativity in general. This moon cycle may be just what the doctor ordered for any sort of creative blocks. Keep pushing on thru to the otherside. The next few weeks should give us the spark to gain courage and move past any blockages as long as we do the necessary work. The Lioness Goddess Sekhmet of ancient Egypt is a great symbol of Power. She is often channeled to guide us thru change and transformation.

Sekhmet Fire

The Leo Moon cycle (Full or New) is a great time to do candle magic. Light a red candle and state your intentions for the Spring! This is the Moon to awaken your creative energy! With Mercury Retrograde season on the way, there will be plenty of opportunities to work on a deeper understanding within yourself. Repair old memories and relationships for this moon cycle centered on the heart. The Leo Full Moon is here to encourage us to be fearless in our healing. It is now time to face the things that you feel have too much power over you. You can do it! Sekhmet will help. Just call on her and light a candle! Now would also be a great time to do a blood cleanse and to work on any womb issues like fibroid tumors, cysts or candida. Be creative, challenge yourself to get to the next level and let your artistic pursuits shine, shine, shine!  We must all pass through the flames of Sekhmet, to create definitive change and claim sweet victory in our lives.

*Join my Raw Goddess 13 Signs Astrology Group on Facebook for more Astronomical Updates & a chance to win a FREE Reading!  https://www.facebook.com/groups/rawgoddess13signs/

*Book a 13 Sign Reading Here!-> Readings & Classes with Femi

Twitter Raw Goddess Jewelz

Instagram Raw.Vegan.Goddess

*13 Sign Astrology is the Real language of the Heavens*

This full moon doorway will be open for 2 weeks, till the next new moon. If you would like to learn more about this alignment in your 13 Sign Birth Chart and take a 13 Sign Astrology Class with me, fill out the contact form below.
*Blessings & Happy Full Moon!