New Moon in Taurus. . . . . . The Goddess of Love

Happy New Moon!

A new moon occurs when the Sun and the Moon are conjunct or aligned in the same zodiac sign. In real 13 sign astrology that means it’s happening in the constellation of Taurus, the cow horn priestess, Het Heru. The Sun will actually stay in Taurus until June 19th! New Moon’s a time of deep introspection and setting intentions for the month’s new beginnings. Het Heru is the Goddess of love and she therefore represents creative manifestation. She teaches us to enjoy life and actualize our dreams. What we see in our mind is what we feel in our hearts and this new moon is all about it! She is The Law of Attraction. Before anything can manifest, it has to exist in our spirit first! We create our life with our imagination. Het Heru reminds us to channel our sexual energy into higher spiritual realms. She is THE sky Goddess giving birth to our reality here on earth. The sacred cow. We create what we desire and focus on with a passion. Anything goes, so focus wisely.

Het heru Gold
This is a very sensual new moon highlighting art, music, dance and fertility. Het Heru also is represented as Oshun, Aphrodite, Venus and Hathor. Her worship is very old and even predates the official dynasties of ancient Egypt. She is everything that is true and good. The mother of light in the sky. Manifestation.
To maximize the potential in this new moon, beautify yourself and All around you. Work with The Power of Intention. The Power of Creation. If you’ve been looking for a creative breakthrough, now is this time! Activate the kundalini (sexual) energy.  Work with the subconscious mind to visualize the life you want. This is how life is created. Channel your imagination to inspire something beautiful with love and art. Make a new vision board. Focus only on what you want to happen in your Life. Het Heru is the mother of every God and every Goddess. So you have to go through her to manifest anything here on Earth, with love and creativity, of course.

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*New moon energy lasts for 2 weeks.If you would like to learn more about this alignment in your 13 Sign Birth Chart and take a 13 Sign Astrology Class with me, fill out the contact form below.

Thanks for Reading & Sharing! 🙂

*13 Sign Astrology is the Real language of the Heavens*

Happy New Moon in Love!





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